Dr Olivia’s English Curriculum Centre
English Classes with a Native Speaker in Bucharest
Meditatii engleza cu profesori nativi in Bucuresti
Meet Your Teacher
Prezentarea Profesorilor
Olivia graduated with first class honours in 1996, and started her teaching career in primary schools. She has been Head of English in prestigious private schools in Kenya and Mexico.
Olivia became Deputy Headteacher of a large London secondary school in 2002, before coming to Bucharest in 2015. She has experience of ensuring all her students achieve excellent English results at iGCSE, A-level and International Baccalaureate, and is also an experienced Drama teacher and theatre director.
Olivia has a Master's Degree from Brunel University and a PhD in Sociology from the University of London. Her hobbies include writing, and she hopes her first murder mystery novel will be published soon.
Olivia a absolvit studiile universitare cu o medie exceptionala in 1996 si si-a inceput cariera de professor in scoli primare. A condus si departamente de engleza in cunoscute scoli internationale private din Kenya si Mexic.
Olivia a devenit directoare adjuncta al unui mare liceu din Londra in 2002, inainte de a veni la Bucuresti in 2015. Cu o vasta experienta in a asigura rezultate excelente tuturor elevilor sai la examenele nationale si internationale, Olivia este si o cunoscuta profesoara de teatru (fiind in acelsi timp si directoare de teatru).
Olivia si-a obtinut Masteratul in Educatie la Universitatea Brunel si Doctoratul in Sociologie la Universitate London. Hobbiurile ei mai includ si scrisul de nuvele (prima ei carte va fi tiparita in curand).
How to Contact Us
By Phone:
0725 414 863
By E-mail:
If you want to read some of Dr Olivia’s writing, you could do much worse than visit the blogs she currently publishes…
A blog about how to function effectively at work without sacrificing your integrity.
The place where Olivia puts her PhD to good use by writing about life and society.
How to Find Us
By Trolleybus to Raul Dorna - 69 or 93
By Bus to Raul Dorna - 105, 168 or 368
By Metro to Raul Dorna - line M5 to Favorit